Monday festivities: new ‘Snide Remarks,’ some late reviews

“Snide Remarks” enters its 11th year with a familiar topic: fatness and dieting. This week’s installment is called “Ahead of the Curves,” and you’ll find the audio version here as well as at the top of the page itself.

(We’ve slightly improved the SnideCast feature, by the way. We don’t have actual fast-forward and rewind buttons, but you can now click anywhere on the recording’s progress bar to jump to that point.)

Also, here are reviews of “Feast of Love” and “Across the Universe.” The latter was a strange case in that they held a press screening for it, only invited a few select critics, and flat-out told the others (like me) that there was no screening. You and I would call that a “lie,” but I think that word means something different to publicists. Anyway, there it is.