It’s a week of Number 2’s — sequels, not poop. (OK, some poop.) Actually, the only one of the three that’s better than its predecessor is “Fifty Shades Darker,” which gets a D instead of a D-. “The LEGO Batman Movie” and “John Wick: Chapter 2” are good, but not quite as good as their forerunners. Anyway, here’s what we have from this week and last week:
“The LEGO Batman Movie” (PG) B
“John Wick: Chapter 2” (R) B-
“Fifty Shades Darker” (R) D
“Rings” (PG-13) C
“The Space Between Us” (PG-13) B-
We talk about all o’ them films on this week’s Movie B.S. with Bayer and Snider. (Our first regular show in three weeks! We missed you!)