Greetings, friends (and others). Here are the reviews that I’ve secreted from my review orifice over the last few weeks, in descending order of quality:
“Get Out” (R) B+
“The Girl with All the Gifts” (R) B+
“Logan” (R) B [Crooked Scoreboard]
“Table 19” (PG-13) B
“A Cure for Wellness” (R) B [Crooked Scoreboard]
“I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore” (NR) B
“The Great Wall” (PG-13) B
“XX” (NR) B-
“Fist Fight” (R) B-
“Collide” (PG-13) B- [Crooked Scoreboard]
“Before I Fall” (PG-13) C+