Hello, Mom and other readers! Your old friend Eric here, checking in with some updates. If you’re a patron, you already know about most of this and can skip this post. It won’t be on the midterm.
Well, there still are press screenings, I’m just not going to them. I stopped in February — hopefully you’ve noticed that I’ve continued to review movies anyway. Here’s the long and short of it, and here’s the really long of it.
The new routine is working well. I see the movies Thursday night and Friday afternoon, write the reviews Friday (and Saturday if need be). And if you can’t wait that long, there’s…
A new perk for patrons is EDS-ASAP, where I email you my brief thoughts about a movie immediately after seeing it. That’s to tide you over until I’ve belched out a full review, you impatient scamps.
All patrons get these emails (unless they unsubscribe). If you’re a patron and haven’t been getting them, it’s probably because the email address you used to sign up at Patreon isn’t the one you really use. Hit me up with the right info (my email is eric at this website) and I’ll update.
If you’re not a patron, you should consider becoming one. It’s only $1 a month, which is basically nothing, and it’s the answer to the question, “Who pays you to write this garbage?”
I’m the editor of this new-ish movie website called Crooked Marquee. They’ve started reprinting my reviews, so everything is now posted in both locations. They’re paying a small syndication fee, but not enough to replace the Patreon, and not enough to constitute double-dipping on my part. The reviews continue to be funded by patrons. That’s why they’re posted in their entirety here, with no more “Visit Crooked Marquee to read the rest.”
That being said, the reason we’re doing this is to boost traffic to Crooked Marquee. It’s the CM links that we’re putting on Rotten Tomatoes, IMDb, Twitter, and Facebook. So if, on occasion, after reading a review here at EricDSnider.com, you then click the Crooked Marquee link at the bottom and look at it over there, too (or just leave the tab open for a minute), that would be good for everyone. But you don’t have to! I’m not the boss of you.
I have recently published two Snide Remarks columns, as follows:
#699 Kicking and Screening: The full story of press screenings, how they work, and why I got kicked off the list.
#700 Memories of the Gay We Were: The story of when I was a minor celebrity at BYU 20 years ago while also being secretly gay.
Read ‘n’ share!
Thanks, as always, for your support, whatever form it takes.