Hello, readers and illiterates who have this site read to them! We’ve just finished the third full year of my Patreon campaign, wherein you pay $1 (or more) per month and I review as many films as I can. With gratitude for everyone who has contributed, I offer this accounting of what you got for your money.
Total Patreon funds received (minus Patreon’s fees): $5,436.65
Reviews: 182
What patrons, as a group, paid per review: $29.87
What a patron who gave $1 a month paid per review ($12 ÷ 182): 6.6¢
I have to say, 6.6¢ per review is a bargain. It’s almost nothing, yet it adds up to something. People who aren’t patrons are paying basically the same amount as people who are. So why not be a patron? You see my reasoning.
I’m pleased with my tally of 182 reviews. That’s 50 more than 2017, and the most I’ve done since 2009. (I still have a few December titles to catch up on, too.) My new system of writing at least a short review for every new release I saw worked pretty well, though there were a handful I still didn’t get to, best intentions notwithstanding.
I added a new perk for patrons this year that’s gotten a lot of positive response. It’s called EDS-ASAP, and it means that I email patrons a brief reaction to movies as soon as I see them. Because sometimes you can’t wait for the full review, you know? You need to know NOW if a movie is worth seeing. (Patrons can opt out if they don’t want these emails.)
My sincere thanks to all readers, patrons or not. This year marks my 20th anniversary as a film critic, and I intend to do it for another 20 years, or until I die, whichever comes first. Thanks for being along for the ride.
(And hey, why not be a patron? A dollar a month! At those prices you almost can’t afford not to be a patron.)
Here’s all my end-of-the-year material:
The Best and Worst Movies of 2018.
2018 Films: Miscellaneous Data.
Media Inventory: What I Watched and Read in 2018.
Everything I reviewed in 2018.
Wide releases of 2018: a handy list
Statistics on all 1,313 movies released in the U.S.
Happy new year!
Your pal,
Eric D.