“The Lorax” (C+)
“Project X” (D-)
“Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie” (B) []
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Eric’s Bad Movies: “Tentacles” (1977), starring John Huston, Shelley Winters, Shelley Winters’ giant hat, and an octopus. []
Re-Views: “The Next Best Thing” (2000), starring Madonna and Rupert Everett, continues to not be a very good movie. []
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Movie B.S. with Bayer and Snider: We celebrated our 100th episode by reviewing some movies and playing a game, as mandated by the Constitution. [MovieBS] or [iTunes]
In the Dark: Subscribe to this weekly e-mail and get all the latest movie reviews, DVD releases, and other pertinent info delivered to your electronic mailbox. [Eric D. Snider’s In the Dark]
Twitter: @EricDSnider
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Gawker went to Netflix and gathered the worst user reviews of the Best Picture nominees. These are good things to read if you want to lose all faith in humanity (again). [Gawker]
For some reason, here is my pal Matt Patches having a staring contest with Paul Dano. [YouTube/]
In a similar vein, here’s my other pal Chase Whale being abused by Tim and Eric. [YouTube]
The dapper and gentlemanly James Rocchi gets all level-headed over Lou Dobbs’ claim that “The Lorax” is indoctrinating kids to hate capitalism. [MSN Movies]
Brian Salisbury eviscerates “Project X” with more humor and vitriol than I did. [Film School Rejects]
A Russian cat with weird ears and weirder posture watches “Star Wars.” [YouTube]